
Sculptor comes with a set of Maven archetypes which can be used to create skeleton projects. This is an easy way to get started using Sculptor as the archetypes generate a Maven pom.xml with the necessary Maven plugins (including Sculptors Maven plugin) and dependencies.

Check the Archetype Tutorial for an example on how to use Sculptors Maven archetypes.


This archetypes creates a Maven aggregator project (POM module with suffix -parent) needed for a Maven multi-module project. This aggregator project references the Maven project with the Sculptor business tier in its module list.

The following properties are supported by the archetype:

Property Default Purpose
-Dejb=[true|false] false If set to true then the project uses EJB3 instead of Spring. Therefore the project nature pure-ejb3 is set in the generator configuration.
-Dweb=[true|false] false If set to true then an additional Maven project with a web presentation tier (WAR module with suffix -web) is added to the module list in the POM.
-Dear=[true|false] false If set to true then an additional Maven project which packages the Sculptor business tier into an EAR (module with suffix -ear) is added to the module list in the POM.
-Dmongodb=[true|false] false If set to true then the project uses MongoDB instead of JPA.


The following command (one line - indicated by the trailing \) creates the helloworld-parent project which references the EAR project helloworld-ear in its module list:

mvn archetype:generate -DinteractiveMode=false -DarchetypeGroupId=org.sculptorgenerator \
   -DarchetypeArtifactId=sculptor-maven-archetype-parent \
   -DarchetypeVersion=3.1.0 \
   -DgroupId=org.helloworld -DartifactId=helloworld-parent -Dpackage=org.helloworld \
   -Dversion=1.0-SNAPSHOT -Dear=true


This archetypes creates a Maven project with the Sculptor business tier. By default this project is part of a Maven multi-module project. Therefore in the projects POM a parent (aggregator) project is referenced.

The following properties are supported by the archetype:

Property Default Purpose
-Drest=[true|false] false If set to true then the project is a WAR module which provides REST resources for its business services. Refer to the REST Tutorial for details.
-Dstandalone=[true|false] false If set to true then the project is not a part of a Maven multi-module project. So the generated POM has no reference to a parent POM. Therefore this projects POM contains all the settings from the parent POM as well.
-Dejb=[true|false] false If set to true then the project uses EJB3 instead of Spring. Therefore the project nature pure-ejb3 is set in the generator configuration.
-Dear=[true|false] false If set to true then the project is part of an EAR. Therefore the deployment mode ear is set in the generator configuration.
-Djboss=[true|false] false If set to true then the project is a JAR or WAR module which is deployed to the JBoss application server.
-Dmongodb=[true|false] false If set to true then the project uses MongoDB instead of JPA.


The following command (one line - indicated by the trailing \) creates the helloworld project for a stand-alone WAR with a business tier which supports RESTful services:

mvn archetype:generate -DinteractiveMode=false -DarchetypeGroupId=org.sculptorgenerator \
   -DarchetypeArtifactId=sculptor-maven-archetype \
   -DarchetypeVersion=3.1.0 \
   -DgroupId=org.helloworld -DartifactId=helloworld -Dpackage=org.helloworld \
   -Dversion=1.0-SNAPSHOT -Drest=true -Dstandalone=true


This archetypes creates a Maven project with the web presentation tier (WAR module with suffix -web). By default this project is part of a Maven multi-module project. Therefore in the projects POM a parent (aggregator) project is referenced.

The following properties are supported by the archetype:

Property Default Purpose
-Dejb=[true|false] false If set to true then the project is refering to a business tier module which uses EJB3 (Maven packaging type EJB) instead of Spring (Maven packaging type JAR).
-Dear=[true|false] false If set to true then the project is part of an EAR. Therefore the deployment mode ear is set in the generator configuration.
-Drest=[true|false] false If set to true then the project is a WAR module which provides REST resources for business services. Refer to the REST Tutorial for details.
-Djboss=[true|false] false If set to true then the project is a WAR module which is deployed to the JBoss application server.


The following command (one line - indicated by the trailing \) creates the helloworld-web project for a WAR with a business tier (which uses EJB3 and supports RESTful services) and deployment as an EAR:

mvn archetype:generate -DinteractiveMode=false -DarchetypeGroupId=org.sculptorgenerator \
   -DarchetypeArtifactId=sculptor-maven-archetype-web \
   -DarchetypeVersion=3.1.0 \
   -DgroupId=org.helloworld -DartifactId=helloworld-web -Dpackage=org.helloworld \
   -Dversion=1.0-SNAPSHOT -Dejb=true -Dear=true -Drest=true


This archetypes creates a Maven project for an EAR (module with suffix -ear) which which packages the Sculptor business tier and optionally a web presentation tier. This EAR project is expected to be part of a Maven multi-module project. Therefore in the projects POM a parent (aggregator) project is referenced.

The following properties are supported by the archetype:

Property Default Purpose
-Dejb=[true|false] false If set to true then the project is adding an business tier module which uses EJB3 (instead of Spring) as an EJB module instead as an JAR module.
-Dweb=[true|false] false If set to true then the project is adding a web presentation tier (WAR module with suffix -web) as a web module.


The following command (one line - indicated by the trailing \) creates the helloworld-ear project which packages an EJB3-based business tier and a web presentation tier:

mvn archetype:generate -DinteractiveMode=false -DarchetypeGroupId=org.sculptorgenerator \
   -DarchetypeArtifactId=sculptor-maven-archetype-ear \
   -DarchetypeVersion=3.1.0 \
   -DgroupId=org.helloworld -DartifactId=helloworld-ear -Dpackage=org.helloworld \
   -Dversion=1.0-SNAPSHOT -Dejb=true -Dweb=true
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